Riding centre and economy

Electric Golf Carts - Serving Stables and Farms

Advantages in a Stable:

Flexible Transportation: The golf cart allows for smooth transportation both on paved roads and in the pastures of the stable. This makes caring for horses, feeding, and preparing for training easier.

Tow Hitch and Trailer: The design of the golf cart allows for a tow hitch, making it easy to use a trailer or tow other equipment. This can be extremely useful for transporting feed, equipment, or horses within the stable area, facilitating efficient transportation of horses and their equipment. Feel free to click on the individual golf cart pages, check out the specifications, and choose the rental date or purchase your dream golf cart!

Horses Love It Too

Quick and Easy Charging: Charging the electric golf cart from a standard 230-volt socket is extremely simple and fast. It can be fully charged in just three hours, making the cart quickly available for use again without the hassle of sourcing fuel or lengthy waits at charging stations.

Environmentally Friendly Operation and Preservation of Horse Calm: The electric golf cart maintains a quiet and peaceful environment in the stable. The noise-free operation contributes to preserving the calmness of the horses, which is especially important during their training and rest periods. Additionally, environmentally friendly operation helps to fulfill the stable's sustainability efforts.

Quick Returns

Low Operating Costs for Rapid Returns: Electric golf carts are more economical to operate since electric energy can be produced and utilized more affordably than fuel. Additionally, they can be used for free with solar panels. This can result in significant long-term savings for the stable.

They are also considered environmentally friendly solutions as they have no emissions and do not disturb either the animals or the stable guests, and they even enhance the prestige of the place.

Let's Go Through the Advantages:

- Quick charging, about 3 hours, and you can work with it all day for 2-300 Ft.

- Quiet, horses are not afraid of it! It doesn't bother your visitors and guests.

- Helps in care: manure, feeding, watering, hay, straw.

- Helps in learning: saddle and equipment transport, transporting riding students.

- Raises the standard of your facility. Increases the enthusiasm of your employees.

- Environmentally friendly electric motor, no local emissions.

- Faultless Japanese technology, maintenance-free battery and motor. Just use it!

Recommended Type for Passenger Transport:

- Quick charging, about 3 hours, and you can transport all day for 2-300 Ft.

- Doesn't bother your visitors and guests because it's quiet.

- Transport of saddle and equipment, transporting riding students.

- 5-person version, comfortable leather seats, cargo basket for luggage.

- Stable visits, guided tours, transportation between locations.

Recommended Type for Facility Work:

- Quick charging, about 3 hours, and you can work with it all day for 2-300 Ft.

- Doesn't bother your visitors and guests because it's quiet.

- Transport of saddle and equipment, transporting riding students.

- 2-person version, large 100x140cm, 200kg load capacity platform.

- For feeding, watering, cutting, and any light and heavy work.

Take a look at our photo gallery to see what life is like with a Golf:

Here you can check the golf cars that are currently suitable and available for you:

  Custom YAMAHA G30E, 5 seater excellent condition golf cart configurator, green
br. 4 748 €/cart  Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára.
br. 4 498 €/cart

If you have any questions, please contact us using the form below.

What activities do you do?
Animal husbandry
Riding School
Land, arable farming
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